This week we are sharing a little about Kristi! I would call her our warehouse monkey turned design assistant, but she’s so much more! Let me tell you…

Meet Kristi

Have you ever heard the saying, “But first, coffee!”? Well that’s Kristi’s theory on how to start the work day, and we LOVE it! Because of her, there is always fresh coffee brewing in the office. She is also the office chef and baker… basically she’s the reason we are never “hangry”. Whether she is throwing together a gourmet salad from what most would call “leftovers,” feeding us at installs or baking a birthday treat, she never fails us!

She loves the adventure of a search! If you are looking to find an obscure or rare piece, Kristi is your girl! From vintage oars to unique artwork to a one-of-a-kind antiques, there is no one better at the search than Kristi. She’s the one responsible for the surfboard that was used to make the custom surfboard chandelier in Honoiki!

We’d be doing a disservice if we didn’t mention what a goofball she is. She is a wiz at accents and always keeps the office laughing. She’s just the right amount of silly that helps lighten even the most stressful situation.

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Thanks for stopping by!

